Open the whistle:  the OPHWI Project first phases

Since March 2024 we are engaged in “Open the whistle: Protecting whistleblowers through transparency, cooperation and Open Government strategies” (OPWHI Project), which will see us engaged for two years in contributing to creating a safe environment for whistleblowers and ensure the proper functioning of whistleblowing systems in these countries.

Along with the other partners, we at Pisa University, will work with an approach based on three “T-s” pillars (Toolkits, Trainings, and Transparency), delivering capacity-building materials, training and campaigning.

OPWHI will develop a holistic and inclusive approach to face the significant emerging challenges related to the whistleblowing field, under these countries’ recent national laws, transposing the EU Directive 2019/1937.

Funded by the European Union (Project: 101140801 — Call: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-WHISTLE)


Project development: 01/03/2024 – 28/02/2026