The OPHWI consortium meeting

From November 11th to 13th the university research team met in Turin together with all project partners from Italy, Bulgaria and Spain to evaluate the work done  and to set goals for December and the upcoming year.

The university research team will be the leading partner in the  writing of a Toolkit  (WHIT),  that can offer suggestions, insights and behavior guidelines in order to improve the reporting channels and create the most favorable environment possible towards potential whistleblowers.

Following the realisation of the whistleblowing integrity toolkit, two more actions will be finalized by the partners:  the realization of trainings towards specific stakeholders on the topic of whistleblowing and its management; and, in the meantime, the implementation of a communication campaign that can inform and raise awareness on the topic.

OPHWI : the three objectives

The  european project OPHWI (“Open the whistle: Protecting whistleblowers through transparency, cooperation and Open Government strategies”)  is ongoing. 

The three main objectives :  

  • The WHIT – Whistleblowing Integrity Toolkit, to provide entities responsible in various capacities for reporting channels with best practices and guidance for using and improving this tool
  • The WHIPATT – Whistleblowing Protection Advanced Tailored Trainings and train-the-trainers program, to acquire better knowledge and skills for reporting channel management
  • The WHISCAM – Whistleblowing Strategic Campaign, Transparency and Information, to spread awareness of corruption risks, strengthen the perception of the importance of this tool, and foster greater knowledge of its use for potential beneficiaries

These three actions will contribute to develop a holistic and inclusive approach to face the significant emerging challenges related to the whistleblowing field.


Open the whistle:  the OPHWI Project first phases

Since March 2024 we are engaged in “Open the whistle: Protecting whistleblowers through transparency, cooperation and Open Government strategies” (OPWHI Project), which will see us engaged for two years in contributing to creating a safe environment for whistleblowers and ensure the proper functioning of whistleblowing systems in these countries.

Along with the other partners, we at Pisa University, will work with an approach based on three “T-s” pillars (Toolkits, Trainings, and Transparency), delivering capacity-building materials, training and campaigning.

OPWHI will develop a holistic and inclusive approach to face the significant emerging challenges related to the whistleblowing field, under these countries’ recent national laws, transposing the EU Directive 2019/1937.

Funded by the European Union (Project: 101140801 — Call: CERV-2023-CHAR-LITI-WHISTLE)


Project development: 01/03/2024 – 28/02/2026