People – Observatory on Political Parties and Representation

Direttore Scientifico (Scientific Director)

Prof. Enrico Calossi – Email: – 

Enrico Calossi, PhD, è ricercatore RTD-A in Scienza Politica e presso il Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell’Università di Pisa dove insegna Relazioni Internazionali e docente di politica dell’Unione Europea al Programma Internazionale della California State University a Firenze. È stato assegnista post-doc presso l’Università di Pisa e Research Associate presso l’European University Institute. I suoi campi di ricerca sono l’organizzazione dei partiti politici, la politica dell’Unione Europea e la politica estera italiana ed europea. Ha tenuto corsi di preparazione per il NMUN tra il 2010 e il 2017. Il suo libro più recente è “Anti-Austerity Left Parties in the European Union” (Pisa University Press 2016). I suoi articoli sono apparsi su “Party Politics”, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, “Acta Politica”, “Quaderni di Scienza Politica”.

 Enrico Calossi, PhD, is Assistant Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the Department of Political Science at the University of Pisa and Lecturer on European Union at the California State University International Program in Florence. He was Post-Research Fellow at the University of Pisa and Research Associate at the European University Institute. His fields of research are political parties organization, European Union politics, and Italian and European foreign policy. He has provided preparatory courses for the NMUN between 2010 and 2017. His latest book is “Anti-Austerity Left Parties in the European Union” (Pisa University Press 2016). His articles appeared on “Party Politics”, “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, “Acta Politica”, “Quaderni di Scienza Politica”.

Co-direttore Scientifico (Scientific Co-director)

Prof. Eugenio Pizzimenti –

Eugenio Pizzimenti è Professore Associato di Scienza Politica presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Pisa. Le sue attività di ricerca si concentrano sull’analisi comparata del mutamento organizzativo dei partiti politici e sullo studio del sistema partitico italiano. Attualmente è membro del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato Political Science, European Politics and International Relations. Sito ufficiale: è inoltre membro dei seguenti progetti di ricerca di interesse internazionale:

“Kieskompas. Online Voting Advice Application”, coordinated by Andre Krouwel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Official website:

“Political Party Database Project”, coordinated by Thomas Poguntke (University of Düsseldorf), Susan Scarrow (University of Houston) and Paul Webb (University of Sussex). Official website:

 Eugenio Pizzimenti is Associate Professor of Political Science at the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Pisa. His research activities focus on the comparative analysis of party organisational change and on the study of the Italian party system. He is currently member of the Board of the Political Science, European Politics and International Relations PhD program. Official website: He is also member of the following international research projects:

“Kieskompas. Online Voting Advice Application”, coordinated by Andre Krouwel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). Official website:

“Political Party Database Project”, coordinated by Thomas Poguntke (University of Düsseldorf), Susan Scarrow (University of Houston) and Paul Webb (University of Sussex). Official website:

Ricercatori (Researchers)

André Krouwel
André Krouwel teaches comparative political science and communication science at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and is the founder and owner of Kieskompas (Election Compass) – a developer of online Vote Advice Applications (VAA’s), with which data is collected on party positions and voter opinions. Krouwel’s research focuses on public opinion, on politically relevant emotions and sentiments, voting behaviour, political parties, party systems and social movements. He has also published articles and book chapters on parliamentary and presidential elections, party competition, populism and Euroscepticism. His most recent research has investigated the impact of information on political attitudes and opinions, (negative) political emotions and belief in conspiracy theories.

Dr. Lorenzo Cicchi – Email:

Lorenzo Cicchi (Ph.D. IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, 2013) è research associate al Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, dove coordina le attività dello European Governance and Politics Programme (EGPP). È anche professore a contratto alla California State University a Firenze e teaching assistant al Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’università di Pisa. Precedentemente è stato research assistant all’Istituto Universitario Europeo (2015-2016) e coordinatore dell’Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR). I suoi interessi di ricerca si concentrato su partiti politici, elezioni e politica e istituzioni dell’Unione Europea, in particolare il Parlamento Europeo dove ha lavorato come assistente parlamentare. Ha pubblicato “Is Euro-voting truly supranational? National affiliation and political group membership in the European Parliament” per Pisa University Press (2016), e al momento è coordinatore di progetto della Voting Advice Application SPACEU2019 per le prossime elezioni Europee (istituto Universitario Europeo e Università di Lucerna).

Lorenzo Cicchi (Ph.D. IMT Institute for Advanced Studies, 2013) is research associate at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, where he coordinates the activities of the European Governance and Politics Programme (EGPP). He is also adjunct professor at California State University in Florence and teaching assistant at the Department of Political Science of the University of Pisa. Previously he was research assistant at the European University Institute (2015-2016) and coordinator of the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR). His research focuses on political parties, elections and EU politics and institutions, in particular the European Parliament where he has worked as parliamentary assistant. He published “Is Euro-voting truly supranational? National affiliation and political group membership in the European Parliament” for Pisa University Press (2016), and is currently project coordinator of the Voting Advice Application SPACEU2019 for the upcoming European Elections (European University Institute and University of Luzern).

Dott. Beniamino Masi – email:

Beniamino Masi è dottorando di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Pisa. Dopo la laurea magistrale all’Università di Firenze, ha vinto una borsa di dottorato per il XXXVI ciclo.
Il suo progetto di ricerca si pone come obiettivo lo studio delle determinanti del mutamento organizzativo dei partiti. Oltre a questo, si occupa anche di comportamento elettorale, di democrazia interna ai partiti e di organizzazioni di partito più in generale.

Beniamino Masi is a PhD student at the Department of Political Science, University of Pisa. After completing his master’s degree at the University of Florence, he won a PhD scholarship for the XXXVI cycle.
His research project focuses on the study of the determinants of party organizational change. In addition to this, his research interests include electoral behavior, Intra-Party Democracy and party organizations in general.

Dr.ssa Lavinia De Santis – Email:

Lavinia De Santis è dottoressa magistrale in Governo e politiche presso la Luiss Guido Carli, dove ha anche conseguito una laurea triennale in Scienze Politiche. Nel 2021 è stata borsista di ricerca in area politologica presso l’Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano di Roma.
I suoi più recenti interessi di ricerca riguardano: il pensiero europeista, i sistemi di partito e la competizione politica. Lavinia ha pubblicato alcuni contributi su riviste scientifiche come «Europea» e ha collaborato con l’«Archivio storico del Sannio» e con la redazione dell’«Huffington Post».

Lavinia De Santis has a Master degree in Government and Policies from Luiss Guido Carli, where she also earned a bachelor degree in Political Science. In 2021 she was a research scholar in the political field at the Niccolò Cusano University of Rome.
Her most recent research interests concern: Europeanist thought, party systems and political competition. Lavinia has published some contributions in journals such as «Europea» and collaborated with the «Archivio storico del Sannio» and the editorial staff of the «Huffington Post».