Publications – Observatory on Political Parties and Representation

  • Pizzimenti E, Piccio D. R. and B. Masi (2024), Does Regulation Matter? Trajectories of Party Organizational Change in Western Europe (1970-2010). JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN STUDIES, ISSN: 1478-2804
  • Pizzimenti E (2023), Un dialogo possibile? Teoria delle organizzazioni e studio dei partiti. SOCIETA’MUTAMENTOPOLITICA, ISSN: 2038-3150, vol 14(28), pp. 143-157, doi: 10.36253/smp-15021
  • Masi B and E Pizzimenti (2022), The Political Foundations Of Party Organizational Variance. COMPARATIVE EUROPEAN POLITICS, ISSN: 1740-388x, Doi: 10.1057/S41295-022-00299-0
  • Pizzimenti E, Calossi E and L Cicchi (2022), Removing the intermediaries? Patterns of intra‑party organizational change in Europe (1970–2010). ACTA POLITICA, ISSN: 0001-6810, doi: 10.1057/s41269-020-00180-6
  • Pizzimenti E, Calossi E, Cicchi L and B Masi (2022), Do parties converge? An empirical analysis of party organizational and policy issue saliency change in Western Europe (1970–2010). JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN STUDIES, ISSN: 1478-2804, doi: 10.1080/14782804.2022.2119215
  • Luciano Bardi, Eugenio Pizzimenti (2020). Perché falliscono i partiti? Dal predominio della DC alla scomparsa dei partiti cattolici. Carocci Editore.
  • Pizzimenti, E., Calossi E. (2020). Leaders and members in the Italian parties (1994-2018): a dimensional approach. CONTEMPORARY ITALIAN POLITICS, ISSN: 2324-8823, doi:
  • Pizzimenti, E., Calossi E., Cicchi L. (2020). Removing the intermediaries? Patterns of intra‑party organizational change in Europe (1970–2010). ACTA POLITICA, ISSN: 0001-6810, doi: 10.1057/s41269-020-00180-6
  • Pizzimenti, E. (2020). Il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti in Italia. In: (a cura di): Francesca Francioli, Il partito politico e il suo bilancio. RIREA AZIENDE, vol. 38, p. 85-114, Milano:RIREA, ISBN: 978-88-6659-113-9
  • Pizzimenti, E. (2020), Tigri di carta. Debolezza dei partiti e instabilità sistemica in Italia (1994-2018), Pisa: Pisa University Press, ISBN 978-883339-3513
  • Moro, F. N., Cicchi, L. and F. Coticchia (2018), Through Military Lenses. Perception of security threats and jointness in the Italian Air Force, Defence Studies,
  • Bardi L, Calossi E and E. Pizzimenti (2017), Which Face Comes First? The Ascendancy of the Party in Public Office. In S. Scarrow, P. D. Webb and T. Poguntke (eds), Organizing Political Parties. Representation, Participation, and Power. OXFORD: Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780198758631
  • Calossi, E., (2017), Anti-Austerity Left Parties in the European Union. Competition, Coordination, Integration, Pisa: Pisa University Press. ISBN 978-886741-6653
  • Calossi, E. (2017), Toward European Electoral and Party System, in Vai, Lorenzo, Tortola, Pierdomenico, and Pirozzi, Nicoletta (eds) “Governing Europa. How to Make the EU more Efficient and Democratic”. Brussels: Peter Lang, pp. 91-110. ISBN: 978-2-8076-0058-4, DOI 10.3726/b10699.
  • Calossi, E. and F. Coticchia (2017), Students’ knowledge and perceptions of international relations and the ‘Model United Nations’: an empirical analysis, “Acta Politica”, 1-20. DOI 10.1057/s41269-017-0058-9
  • Calossi, E. e E, Pizzimenti (2017), Mutamento dei partiti e mutamento dello Stato, in Davide Gianluca Bianchi e Francesco Raniolo (a cura di) “Limiti e sfide della rappresentanza politica”. Milano: FrancoAngeli, pp. 161-191, ISBN: 8891761214
  • Cicchi, L. (2017), The European Parliament’s political groups: between high cohesion and recurrent breakdowns, PADEMIA Research Notes on Parliamentary Democracy 3/2017,
  • Cicchi, L. and E. Calossi (2017), Partiti Europei e Gruppi Politici al Parlamento Europeo: le implicazioni organizzative del loro rapporto di potere ideologico e comportamentale, paper presented at the XXXI symposium of the Italian Society of Political Science (SISP), Urbino
  • Cicchi, L. and E. Calossi (2017), European Political Parties vs. European Parliament Political Groups: the organizational implications of their behavioral and ideological balance of power, paper presented at the ECPR 2017 General Conference, Oslo
  • Cicchi, L., Garzia, D. and Trechsel H. Alexander (2017), Mapping Parties’ Position on Foreign and Security Issues in the EU, 2009-2014, paper prepared for the Workshop on Party Politics of Foreign and Security Policy, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Cicchi, L. and D.  Garzia (2017), Evidence suggests that issues may have mattered more than expected in the 2016 US presidential elections, London School of Economics and Political Science, US Centre’s daily blog on American Politics and Policy,
  • Cicchi, L. and D. Garzia (2017), Partisanship and issue preferences in the 2016 US presidential elections, paper presented at the Roundtable on Financial and Institutional Cost of Politics, University of Pisa
  • AAVV (2016). Party rules, party resources and the politics of parliamentary democracies: How parties organize in the 21st century, “Party Politics” 1–18, DOI: 10.1177/1354068816662493 ISSN 1460-3683
  • Bardi L. (2016), Deficit democratico, euroscetticismo e partiti nell’Unione europea. In A. Panebianco, Una certa idea di scienza politica. Saggi in onore di Gianfranco Pasquino. p. 83-107, BOLOGNA: Il Mulino, ISBN: 978-88-15-26501-2
  • Cicchi, L. (2016). Is Euro-voting truly supranational? National affiliation and political group membership in the European Parliament, Pisa University Press, Pisa. ISBN 978-886741-7049
  • Cicchi, L. and F. Coticchia (2016), El impacto militar de los foreign fighters. Un caso de estudio, in Campione, R. and Ruschi, F., “Guerra, derecho y seguridad en las relaciones internacionales”, Tirant lo Blanche. ISBN 9788491431329
  • Cicchi, L., Coticchia, F. and F. N. Moro (2016), Through military lenses. Security perceptions and learning in the case of Italian armed forces, paper presented at the XXX symposium of SISP, University of Milan
  • Bardi, L. and L. Cicchi (2015), Electoral rules and electoral participation in the European elections: the ballot format and structure, European Parliament Publications Office, Brussels. ISBN 978-92-823-8283-7
  • Calossi E., and E. Pizzimenti (2015), Party Organizational Change. Formal distribution of power between national and regional levels in Italian political parties (1991-2012) in “Partecipazione e Conflitto”, Volume 8, Issue 1 [March 15, 2015], Special issue on: NEW PERSPECTIVES ON PARTY POLITICS. Guest Editors: Francesco Raniolo, Marco Damiani, and Lorenzo Viviani. DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v8i1p167
  • Calossi, E. (2015), Il Partito della Sinistra Europea in Levi, Guido, e Fabio Sozzi (a cura di) “Unione Politica in Progress: Partiti e Gruppi Parlamentari Europei (1953-2014)”, Wolters Kluwer, pp. 101-114. ISBN: 978-88-13-35767-2.
  • Calossi E. (2015), Towards European Electoral and Party Systems, IAI Working Papers 15|47, ISBN/ISSN/DOI: 978-88-98650-72-9.