The study of politics has always reflected the distinction between the ‘domestic’ and the ‘international’ space. The former being traditionally the object of investigation for scholars interested on party politics, electoral behavior, policy analysis; while the study of the political dynamics that take place at the supranational level gathered expert in the study of the latter. Such a division of labor, though contested and reconfigured by the emergence of sub-fields such as Foreign policy analysis or International political economy, is still rooted in contemporary Political Science. Yet, global issues are increasingly transnational. Even in a period in which ‘globalization’ is questioned and sometimes repudiated, political conflicts are unlikely to be once again enclosed within national borders. The cases in point are several. While the Pandemic – its management and the political economy of vaccines – constitutes a recent disruptive example, the economic and financial implications of globalization represent the most consolidated research field focused on the subtle national/supranational divide; similarly, the institutions created at the international level for the promotion of policies aimed at coping with the global warming and its effects constitute a permanent policy arena for both states, corporations, environmental groups and movements. Another area in which policy and politics transcend national boundaries is that of security, since economic and technology policies are increasingly included in this domain, and effective responses can no longer be purely national, as illustrated by the management of cyber and bacteriological threats. The same holds concerning crime and justice, whose implications and management “force” States to cooperate to increase the effectiveness of policy responses. Migration is another issue in which, despite the willingness of ‘taking back control’ pursued by several governments, conflicts and decision making are likely to be played internationally, and several other examples of highly relevant political arenas can be made.

After the success of the 2023 conference, the 2ND edition of The Politics and Policy of Transnational Challenges conference aims at consolidating the research network coordinated by the Observatory on Sustainable Development and Democracy directed by Eugenio Pizzimenti, under the auspicious of the Observatory on Politics and Institutions based at the Department of Political Sciences (University of Pisa). The conference hosts renown political and social scientists whose research activities focus on the transnational dimension of governance structures, policy regimes and political processes. Contributions (papers and/or presentations) can be both theoretical and empirical.


Pisa, 29 May 2024, Polo Piagge




9.45:10.00 a.m. Institutional Greetings

Carmelo Calabrò (Dean of the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pisa)


I SESSION (10.00-12.30 a.m.)

10.00:10.30 a.m.

Defense and Security Policies: Old Schemes and New Challenges

Speaker: Fabrizio Coticchia (University of Genova)

Chair: Simone Paoli (University of Pisa)


10.30:11.30 a.m.

Globalization, International Organizations and Ideas


Manuela Moschella (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Francesco Baraldi, Marco Di Giulio, Mattia Sguazzini (University of Genova) and Francesco Niccolò Moro (University of Bologna)

Chair: Fabrizio Coticchia (University of Genova)


11.30:12.00 a.m. – Coffee break


12.00:12.30 a.m.

Crime and Justice: Supranational Coordination and National Legacies

Speakers: Cristina Dallara (University of Bologna) and Salvatore Sberna (University of Pisa)

Chair: Marco Antonelli (Scuola Normale Superiore)


II SESSION (2.30:4.30 p.m.)

2.30:3.00 p.m.

The Politics and Policies of Migration and Immigration

Speaker: Michela Ceccorulli (University of Bologna)

Chair: Eugenio Pizzimenti (University of Pisa)


3.30:4.30 p.m.

Sustainable Development: State capacities, Good governance and Social Conflicts


Paola Imperatore and Massimiliano Andretta (University of Pisa);

Eugenio Pizzimenti (University of Pisa)

Chair: Beniamino Masi (University of Padova)


4.30 p.m. – Concluding Address