Congratulazioni Stella!

Congratulazioni alla nostra Stella Gianfreda, che il 15 luglio 2019 ha discusso con successo la sua tesi di dottorato intitolata ‘Who does politicise immigration and the European Union? A multilevel analysis of mainstream and populist parties’ positions in Italy, the United Kingdom and the European Union’, un’interessante analisi delle strategie di comunicazione politica adottate dai partiti populisti e mainstream nelle arene parlamentari in un periodo (2015-2018) in cui i temi legati all’immigrazione e agli affari europei erano al centro del dibattito pubblico.
Congratulations to our research fellow Doctor Stella Gianfreda, who on July 15, 2019 has successfully defended her Ph.D thesis titled ‘Who does politicise immigration and the European Union? A multilevel analysis of mainstream and populist parties’ positions in Italy, the United Kingdom and the European Union’. It is an interesting insight into the communication strategies implemented by mainstream and populist parties in Parliament in a time period (2015-2018) when immigration and European affairs were particularly salient in the public debate.